Scooter Tools

Monitor the status of your scooter. Customize, optimize, and take your driving experience to the next level

Dashboard View


Explore the advanced features that will make your experience unique


Speed, battery monitoring, total mileage, BLE, serial number, and much more


View detailed graphs and save data from multiple scooters for comprehensive tracking, whether connected or offline


Sync your data with iCloud to keep your records up to date on all your devices


Customize the accent color of your control panel and the app icons to make it unique

Light & Dark

All components support both light and dark color modes


Adaptable components that look amazing on iPads, iPhones, and macOS

Compatible with multiple firmwares



Supports CamiBLE | SHFW

More features

Exceeding your expectations with a wide range of powerful features


Explore and plan your routes with ease in our interactive map view. Discover new paths, set destinations, and optimize your driving experience

Control panel

Customize the size of the components, allowing you to view values optimally and enhance your driving experience

Export your data

Safely store your scooter data by exporting the complete database

Stats View

Scooter Tools

Available for iOS, iPadOS and macOS